Molecular diagnosis 2017
"Molecular Diagnosis 2017" All-Russian Scientific and International Practical Conference was held on 1 -20 April 2017 in Moscow.
The conference organized by National Scientific Society of infectious diseases and Federal Budget Institution of Science "Central Research Institute of Epidemiology" of The Federal Service on Customers' Rights Protection and Human Well-being Surveillance.
Within the work frame of the conference, were presented more than 25 thematic sessions and symposium, with advanced achievements in medical science and practice.
The products manufacturers and users shared their experience and discussed specifics of the work in the following areas:
- "Sequencing technologies: modern ILS solutions"
- "Revolutionary solutions for automation of laboratory research"
- " InterLabService""Florocenosis - a comprehensive approach of urogenital infections diagnosis in women "
- "Complex equipment of PCR laboratories for research in the field of veterinary and food safety"
SYMPOSIUM of "InterLabService" Sequencing technologies: modern ILS solutions"
- ‘Prospects mass parallel sequencing (NGS) technology use in clinical practice’ by Dmitry Kuevda, PhD, Confidential Pathology, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
- ‘Methods of diagnosis in oncology with the help of NGS: GeneRead ™ Actionable Insights Tumor Panel’ by Matzvai Alina Dmitrievna, Federal Budget Institution of Science "Central Research Institute of Epidemiology" of The Federal Service on Customers' Rights Protection and Human Well-being Surveillance, Moscow.
- ‘Technological and clinical aspects of study the free-circulating DNA and RNA’ Tymoshenko Tatiana Vladimirovna, Manager of NGS projects implementation InterLabService, Moscow.
COLLECTIVE SYMPOSIUM of Hamilton and InterLabService companies "Revolutionary solutions for automating laboratory research"
- ‘Hamilton Automation Solutions for Laboratory Research’ by Federico Sebastiani, PhD, Market Segment Leader – Diagnostics, Hamilton Bonaduz AG, Switzerland
- ‘Hamilton Solution for Automation Analysis by ELISA and PCR’ by Federico Sebastiani, PhD, Market Segment Leader – Diagnostics, Hamilton Bonaduz AG, Switzerland
- ‘Experience of practical automated solutions use in laboratory practice ‘ by Florian Aldehoff, Team Leader Automation, CeGaT GmbH Tuebingen, Germany
SYMPOSIUM of "InterLabService""Florocenosis - a comprehensive approach of urogenital infections diagnosis in women"
- ‘Molecular diagnostics of urogenital infections is a tribute of fashion or an objective need’ by Savicheva Alevtina Mikhailovna, Professor at Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecolog D. O. Otta, St. Petersburg.
- ‘Florocenosis + NCMT Tests - an indispensable tool in the practice of obstetrician-gynecologist’ by Rumyantseva Tatyana Andreevna, Ph.D. Doctor obstetrician-gynecologist, Federal Budget Institution of Science "Central Research Institute of Epidemiology" of The Federal Service on Customers' Rights Protection and Human Well-being Surveillance, Moscow.
- ‘AmpliPrime Florocenosis - a new word in the complex diagnosis of vaginal microflora disorders’ Konovalov Andrey Sergeevich, Deputy of General Director on science "NekstBio", Moscow
- ‘Experience in complex test Florocenosis practical application’ Filippova Julia Nikolaevna Ph.D. All-Russian Center for Emergency and Radiation Medicine named after A.M. Nikiforov, St. Petersburg.
SYMPOSIUM of "InterLabService" Complex equipment of PCR laboratories for research in the field of veterinary and food safety"
- ‘Practical application of reagent kits based on the PCR method for the determination of GMOs in plant products’ by Kozyreva Irina Vyacheslavovna, Head of the Department of Biological Research, "Grain Quality Evaluation Center", Ramenskoe.
- ‘Hamillton Automation Solutions for Veterinary Medicine’ by Federico Sebastiani, PhD, Market Segment Leader - Diagnostics, Hamilton Bonaduz AG.
- ‘Advantages of veterinary laboratory automation’ by Huber Bauer, Biologist dept. of Molecular Biology "Labogen", LABOKLIN GmbH & Co.KG
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